Caption Instagram kece dari film Enola Holmes

Oleh: Dinda Ayu Widiastuti - Senin, 05 Okt 2020 17:53 WIB

Inilah 10 caption Instagram kece dari film original Netflix terbaru "Enola Holmes", yang akan cocok untuk posting-an mu.

Source: Pure Wow

Netflix telah meluncurkan film originalnya baru-baru ini, yang berjudul "Enola Holmes". Film yang diperankan oleh Millie Bobby Brown dan Henry Cavill ini berisi narasi yang menunjukkan kekuatan wanita. Nah untuk kalian penggemar film Enola Holmes, kami telah merangkum 10 caption Instagram kece dari film original Netflix tersebut. 

  • "May have overthought my outfit." - Enola Holmes
  • "The choice is always yours. Whatever society may claim, it can't control you." - Sherlock Holmes
  • "A wild and dangerous woman brought up a wild child." - Mycroft Holmes
  • "I don't need friends. I have my own company." - Enola Holmes
  • "There are two paths you can take. Yours, or the path others choose for you." - Eudoria Holmes 

"The best bit was my idea, but you did save me." - Enola Holmes

"It's always there, the truth. You just need to look for it." - Sherlock Holmes

"They will make me look like that truly unlikely thing: A lady." - Enola Holmes