Caption Instagram kece buat penggemar ice cream

Oleh: Dinda Ayu Widiastuti - Jumat, 19 Mar 2021 18:04 WIB

Inilah 10 caption Instagram yang cocok digunakan untuk postingan selfie mu dengan manisnya ice cream.

Source: Unsplash

Dengan manis dan cerahnya ice cream, siapa yang tidak menyukai makanan satu ini. Selain manis, ice cream juga dipercaya mampu meningkatkan mood kita dengan kemanisannya. Nah, kebetulan kami telah merangkum 10 caption Instagram manis yang semanis ice cream mu.  

  • "Day dreams and ice creams." - Unknown
  • "Life is short, eat dessert first." - Jacques Torres
  • "Ice cream is cheaper than therapy." - Unknown
  • "It's never too cold for ice cream." - Unknown
  • "Life is like ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts." - Unknown

  • "Can't buy me love, but you can buy me ice cream." - Unknown
  • "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream." - Unknown
  • "A balanced diet is an ice cream in each hand." - Unknown
  • "The ice cream says it'll be OK, so I'll go with that." - Unknown
  • "Peace, love, and ice cream." - Unknown