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Selasa, 26 Mei 2020 20:44 WIB

Caption Instagram untuk selfie saat belanja di masa karantina

Inilah 10 caption Instagram yang cocok kamu gunakan untuk postingan selfie mu saat berbelanja ke supermarket di masa karantina ini.

Caption Instagram untuk selfie saat belanja di masa karantina
Source: Pexels

Selama karantina, pergi ke supermarket dapat menjadi salah satu hiburan kita. Bagaimana tidak, di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini kita diharuskan untuk berdiam di rumah dan tentunya akan membuat kita merasa bosan. Untuk itu, kami telah merangkum 10 caption Instagram yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk postingan selfie mu saat berbelanja ke supermarket. 

  • "These grocery trips are quite literally the only thing keeping me sane." - Unknown
  • “My loneliness is killing me” - Britney Spears
  • “You can’t touch this” - MC Hammer
  • "I spent two hours in the grocery store today to pass the time. I think I'm losing it." - Unknown
  • “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” - Sun Tzu

Source: Pexels

  • "If you're in search of an adrenaline rush, head on over to the grocery store!" - Unknown
  • "All dressed up with nowhere to go." - Unknown
  • "Supermarket automatic doors open for me; therefore, I am." - Craig Bruce
  • "Keep calm and carry on." - Unknown
  • "You know you're losing it when a trip to the grocery store feels like a trip to Disneyland." - Unknown
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